Sample Rhythm Workbook

We are giving you the opportunity to use a sample rhythm from The Getting It Down Cold Workshops which are designed to help you master music theory.

By joining our community you can download a pdf here to see how they are organized and get the basic 4/4 time signature rhythm down cold. 

Practice Workbook

The rhythm work set can be used to propel your learning of this music element. Just by studying this one example alone you can become proficient at mastering the 4/4 rhythm and it will carry over to variations and patterns you will encounter.

Getting It Down Cold Workbooks

The Getting It Down Cold Workshops are designed to take you through a series of rhythm patterns to make that journey quicker and accelerate your learning of the other aspects and elements of music.

To see all current available Workbooks go to: Music Learning Workshop: Getting It Down Cold Workshops

Enjoy your workbook. When your ready to get serious about increasing your abilities come back and see which of the workbooks will take you beyond your current level.